
yet possess
a fervent desire to serve.

I have need of such gifts.
Albert of Brandenburg wants
to be Archbishop of Mainz.

He's already archbishop
of two German territories.

Then canon law disqualifies him
from holding a third.

Moreover, wasn't he underage
when granted his first post?

Just so.
Even as I myself was.
Doubtless Cajetan has informed you
that I was made cardinal
at the age of 13.

Albert's ambition
could still serve God's glory.

The Turks at the gates of Mienna.
The French are
yapping at my heels,

and Rome itself has
become an open sewer

filled with wild dogs
and cats by day

and brigands
and fornicators by night.

And this new
Basilica of Saint Peter's,

it's not just a building,

it's a symbol of my intent
to restore Christ's church.

And Albert could be
a minor blessing in that.

He offers 10,000 ducats
for Mainz.

But Albert is bankrupt.
You're well-informed.
The Fuggers will
lend him the money.

The imperial bankers?
An eight-year loan.
And how
would he repay them?

John Tetzel.
There, that's him:
Father John Tetzel:

Don't unfurl the banners
until the fire ignites.

Everything has been prepared
exactly as you instructed.

Welcome, Father Tetzel:
