Marci X

Hey, Medic, show 'em
how we operate.

Go. Go talk to him.
For your father.
Spanky, here.
Coming off,
coming through
and going back.

Dr. S, hi.
Marci Feld.

It's a pleasure.
Who are you?
Um, I'm Ben Feld's daughter.
Anyway, I can see
you're very busy,

so I'm just going
to take a second.

But we really do have to chat
about, you know, your new CD.
Well, I'm sure you know
all about the hoo-ha.

Please. Ooh!
I'm also sure you're every bit
as upset about it as I am.

You know.
You're upset?
You're hot and bothered?

Anyway, I have a plan.
-You do, huh?

You're just going to love it.
I bet I will.
Oh, yeah.
Ew, this is...
all covered with you.

You know, you could sell that.
Oh, yeah?
-On eBay.

30 seconds.
Oh, okay.
Well, here it is.
Um... next week,
you're supposed to appear live

at the MTV Awards.
Perfect-- it's global,
millions of people watching.

Just the perfect place
for you to say to the entire
world, "I'm really sorry.

"l went too far.
Ben Feld is fabulous,
and I apo..."

I'm good. Thank you.
"...and I sincerely apologize."
Um, well, tomorrow morning
at 10:00--

I thought we could
kick things off, you know,

with a public relations
event, sort of, in a way.

Five seconds.
How do I look?
You look amazing.
I got to run.
Stick around, all right?
Okay. You're too sweet.
I mean that.

It went very well.
He said to wait here,
and I don't know why.

Y'all take five.
What's happening?
