Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

- By the mark, five fathom.
- Five fathom!

- Sand and broken shell.
- Sand and broken shell.

What is it?
Two points off the starboard bow,
in the fog bank.

What was it? A sail?
- I don't know what it was.
- Should we beat to quarters?

- I can't be certain.
- You're officer of the watch.

Hollom, you must make a decision.
We shall beat to quarters!
Rouse up! Rouse up!
Sleepers awake!

Move! Move along! Move along!
Jump to it, boys! Jump to it!
Light along there!
Sighting in heavy fog.
- Handsomely on the yards tackle.
- Topmen aloft.

Where away?
Two points off the starboard bow, sir.
Not a mile distant.
