Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

18-pounders. We'll have to get closer.
Run out the starboard battery.

Mr Allen, come up on the wind.
Lay me alongside at pistol-shot.

Sharpshooters to the tops,
Mr Howard.

Sergeant! Take your section
into the main top.

We stand tall on the quarterdeck, son.
All of us.

- Mr Boyle, run up the colours.
- Aye, sir.

Note for the log, Mr Watt.
"Engaged enemy frigate at six bells."

- Straight at 'em, Mr Mowett.
- Straight at 'em, sir.

Leave the swords!
Get the captain's silver below.

She's not in range yet!
Stand fast till she's close enough!

- Close with him amidships!
- Midships it is, sir!

For God's sake, don't drop anything!
- Hold your positions!
- Hold your position! Courage, now!

- Hold steady, boys!
- Don't worry, lads, we'll serve 'em out yet!

Mr Pullings, sir.
Davies, Jemmy, get Mr Pullings below.

Aye, sir.
Mr Blakeney,
pass the word for the captain.

Clear the forward pin rails!
More sand on the floor!
On the up-roll... fire!
Relieving-tackles on the tiller!
You men, collect these wounded!
