Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

The simple fact is
we were soundly beaten.

- Heavy frigate like that in the Pacific...
- Could tip the war in Napoleon's favour.

By comparison, the Surprise
is a somewhat aged man-of-war.

- Am I not correct?
- Would you call me an aged man of war?

The Surprise is not old.
No one would call her old.

She has a bluff bow, lovely lines.
She's a fine sea boat, weatherly, stiff and fast.

Very fast, if she's well-handled.
No, she's not old.
She's in her prime.
We can patch up the main and mizzen.
Foresail's gone, so we'll bend our spare.

Mr Lamb is confident with basic repairs.
We can get home as we are.

We're not going home.
But to refit we need a port,
and the Acheron may be still looking for us.

We can refit at sea.
Here, where it shoals.

As you said, Mr Allen, she is taking the war to
the South Seas. We are supposed to stop her.

But, sir-with respect-she's a vastly
heavier ship. She's out of our class.

She could be halfway to Cape Horn
by the time we're repaired.

Well then, there's not a moment to lose.
Is it true they put the last stitch
through your nose?

What do you mean?
Joe said when you die, they stitch you in your
hammock with the last stitch in your nose,
