Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

That's nice work there.
Repair won't do here.
I need these replaced.

Mr Calamy. There's something
might interest you here.

Look. The captain carved that.
When he was a mid, no more than your age.

He's known this ship man and boy.
He says there's enough of his blood in the
woodwork for the ship to almost be a relation.

I do understand your point, Mr Allen.
Your knowledge is beyond question.

However, a week in the Brazilian rainforest
looking for a new mast simply will not do.

The Acheron will be halfway to China.
Mr Lamb, as always, will do his best. Which
is all I can hope to expect from any man.

Is them his brains?
No, that's just dried blood.
Those are his brains.

Physician, he is.
Ain't one of your common surgeons.

- Can I have the coin, please?
- Sir.

He wouldn't look at you
for under ten guineas on land.

And he knows his birds and beasts.
You show him a beetle
and he'll tell you what it's thinking.

Back to work, you loafers!
Eckhart, use your pipe.

Let's get on with it, gentlemen.
You're not a pennyweight of use
gawpin' here!
