Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Still hasn't said a word, sir.
Lord Blakeney. Feeling better?
Much better, thank you, sir.
Well, good. Good.
The doctor told me
you were fond of reading, so I...

It has all of his major battles
and some fine illustrations.

Thank you, sir.
Did you ever meet Lord Nelson, sir?
I had the honour of serving with him.
At the Nile. A great victory.

You can find it in here, actually.
Page 135, if I'm not mistaken.

May I beg you to tell me
what kind of man he is?

You should read the book.
I will, sir. Thank you.
Here we go again.
Scrape-scrape, screech-screech.

Never a tune you could dance to,
not if you were drunk as Davy's sow.

How about this?
Or are you in the mood
for something more aggressive?
