Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

The second time...
The second time he told me a story...

about how someone offered him
a boat cloak on a cold night.

And he said no, he didn't need it.
That he was quite warm.

His zeal for king
and country kept him warm.

I know it sounds absurd,
and were it from another man,

you'd cry out "Oh, what pitiful stuff"
and dismiss it as mere enthusiasm.

But with Nelson...
you felt your heart glow.
- Wouldn't you say, Mr Pullings?
- You did indeed, sir.

Well then, he would seem to be the exception
to the rule that authority corrupts.

- To Lord Nelson.
- To Lord Nelson.

To Lord Nelson.
Do you see those two weevils, Doctor?
I do.
Which would you choose?
Neither. There's no difference between them.
They're the same species of curculio.

If you had to choose.
If you were forced to make a choice.
If there was no other...

Well then, if you're going to push me...
I would choose the right-hand weevil.
It has significant advantage
in both length and breadth.

There, I have you!
You're completely dished.

Do you not know that in the service one must
always choose the lesser of two weevils?

He who would pun would pick a pocket.
Really! Weevils!
- To the lesser of two weevils.
- To the lesser of two weevils!
