Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

The crew will take it badly.
Warley was popular.

Have they expressed
any feelings on the matter to you?

Jack, before answering,
I'm compelled to ask,

am I speaking with my old friend
or to the ship's captain?

To the captain I'd say
there's little I detest more than an informer.

- Now you're talking like an Irishman.
- I am an Irishman.

Well, as a friend, then.
As a friend, I would say that I have never once
doubted your abilities as a captain.

Speak plainly, Stephen.
Perhaps we should have
turned back weeks ago.

The men... of course
they would follow Lucky Jack anywhere,

rightfully confident of victory.
But therein lies the problem.
You're not accustomed to defeat.

And chasing this larger, faster ship with
its long guns is beginning to smack of pride.

It's not a question of pride.
It is a question of duty.

Duty. Yes, I've heard it
well spoken of.

Be as satiric as you like. Viewing the world
through a microscope is your prerogative.

This is a ship of war. I will grind whatever
grist the mill requires to fulfil my duty.

Whatever the cost?
Whatever the cost.
To follow orders with no regard for cost.
Can you really claim there's
nothing personal in this call to duty?

Orders are subject
to the requirement of the service.

My orders were to follow him as far as Brazil.
I exceeded my orders a long time ago.

Got it.
The wind's backing, sir.
Sir, we just can't hold
this westerly course any longer.
