Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Las Encantadas.
The Enchanted Isles. They're said
to be full of strange and wonderful beasts.

When we get there,
we'll have to stop for food and water.

I promise you, during that time -
several days at least -

you can wander at will, collecting bugs
and beetles to your heart's content.

You'll be the first naturalist
to set foot on the islands, I'll wager.

Well, I would like that of all things.
- Is it an insect?
- Yes.

Doesn't look like one.
I mean, it looks like a stick.

Yes, that's the whole point.
It's disguised itself in order
to survive.

See, there's a spider
that's disguised itself as an ant.

And here's an insect that's taken on the shape
of a thorn to save itself from the birds.

Did God make them change?
Does God make them change?
Yes, certainly.

But do they also change themselves?
