Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Where'd that come from?
It's from the Bible, that. That is
from the Bible. The story of the Jonah.

They found out on their ship
that one of their men-this Jonah cove -

he'd offended God and was
the cause of all their bad luck.

Evil comes... from him
who evil thinks and evil is.

No, no. Joe knows
a thing or two about evil.

From personal experience.
Right, Joe?

It's like Killick says. Morning of the battle,
he doesn't have the guts to beat to quarters.

Then his entire gun crew's killed.
Soon as he went up the mizzen, Will falls.

And whose watch was it
when we lost our wind?

You there! Stand fast!
Master-at-arms, take that man below
and clap him in irons.

Mr Pullings, defaulters at eight bells.
Aye, sir.
Bring Hollom down to my cabin.
A man pushed past you,
yet you said nothing. Why?

I intended to, sir,
but the right words didn't...

The right words?
He was deliberately insubordinate.

I've tried to get to know the men, sir,
and be friendly,

but they've taken a set against me.
Always whispering when I go past
and giving me looks.
