Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

How long does the captain
intend that we stay? Do you know?

- Oh, a week perhaps.
- A week?

- There's no great hurry.
- Mustn't we make haste for the Marquesas?

I'm not even sure
it was the Acheron we sighted.

And if it was, she'll be well away by now.
Like looking for an honest man in parliament.

No, we shall head home. Before peace
breaks out with France, God forbid.

I fear you may have burdened me
with a debt I can never repay.

Tosh. Name a shrub after me.
Something prickly and hard to eradicate.

A shrub? Nonsense.
I'll name a great tortoise after you.

Testudo aubreii.
Come on, pack up your things.
We should be going.

- Back to camp, sir?
- No, to the other side of the island.

- But, sir, that must be at least ten miles.
- Then there's not a moment to lose.

That's where I saw
my flightless cormorant.

Come on.
Seven inches in length.
Four inches wide.
15-inches-Iong neck.
