Matchstick Men

You didn't take your pills, did you?
- They left the door open. It was bitchen!
- It's just an open door, Roy.

Well, it's not a fortune,
but it will keep me in diapers. Barely.

Don't look at those drapes, man.
You should've known.

Saw that guy again last night.
Chuck. Guy I was telling you about.

- Guy with the...
- With the boat.

Yeah, Frechette. Man, he's top-heavy.
- Jesus Christ, what am l...?
- Don't say that.

- Don't say what?
- You know what.

Just don't say it.
It's real money.
If it's real money, it's long con.
I don't do long con.

You haven't done it lately.
Without me, Frank.
I'd just like to be able to take a girl
someplace nice once in a while.

You have to pay extra for that?
- Hi.
- Hi.

Three, four, five, six and...
...eight packs of Tareyton.
That's 36. Out of 50.
Thirty-seven, 38, 39, 40 and 10 is 50.
Thank you.

