Mauvais esprit

To pay that mothefrucker back.
Mothefrucker, you are a mad mothefrucker...this
mothefrucker is just like his brother...

Me and his brother were the same... mad

But finally... your brother got snufed.
Yeah, man, Carlos.
Yeah, man. Listen,.
if I had the girlfriend you have,
the Mother you have.. a house like yours..
I wouldn't even be speaking with Marmota, man.
Yeah, now let's get us something for our nerves.
Do yourself a little bit there.
Iet's get us something for our nerves.
Your turn.
Yeah, yeah,
open up that little nose.
Now there.
Get yourself into it, monkey man...there...
Now Marmota.
That's it, yeah.
Listen man...and that little number...when, man?.
Are you gonna do this deal for us or not?.
Yeah, but don't bug me so much, eh?. I
I know some guys in the can that
move huge amounts of guns,

but they are userers, man.
It's gonna cost you $25 smackers.
