Mibu gishi den

A fox thinks for itself,
while a dog simply follows.

We want you with us!
We need your swords!
We'll be appointed Imperial Guards.
We promise you twice what you get
as Shogun's hatamoto.

We're not asking you to decide now.
By leaving my clan,
I have already failed one lord.

I will not betray the trust of another.
Yoshimura... Mr. Saito...
...as I see it,
the Tokugawa Shogunate is dead.

Others have left... Katsura, from Choshu,
and Sakamoto, from Tosa...

I cannot.
Yoshimura! Think of the future!
I was surprised, too, that money
would not sway Yoshimura.

You're not fit to be samurai!
You have an obligation!
You're a disgrace!
Mr. Shinohara!
Get out of Kyoto!
I decided to go with Ito...
...but as an informer
for Kondo and Hljikata.

Squire Okubo, we must remove
those who are disloyal...

...to the Emperor.
Indeed. Those who can't see
where the times are headed...

...are in our way.
Without Kondo and Hijikata,
the Shinsengumi will collapse.
