Mona Lisa Smile

Most of the faculty turn their heads...
...when the married students
miss a class or two.

Then why not get married
as freshmen?

That way you could graduate without
actually ever stepping foot on campus.

Don't disregard our traditions
just because you're subversive.

Don't disrespect this class
just because you're married.

Don't disrespect me
just because you're not.

Come to class, do the work,
or I'll fail you.

If you fail me,
there will be consequences.

- Are you threatening me?
- I'm educating you.

That's my job.
Miss Watson!
Miss Watson!
What's this?
Every year, the ARs nominate a
member of the faculty to be our guest.

The what?
You'll see. Come by tonight at 5:00.
Adam's Ribs. A very secret society.
Wait here.
First, the oath.
Please raise both hands.

Do you swear not to repeat what
you see, hear or smell tonight?
