
Then why don't you take
that stick out of your ass...

Now wouId be a good time,
don't you think huh?

Now that the bar's cIosed
What you do for is that?
We had a good time

Yeah, I know, it was fun
I'm sorry, I caIIed you
dumb dyke

I don't care
And thanks for the drinks
No...No Problem.
So see you around ok
Do you wanna stay with

I didn't know
you don't have to do anything

Shit I know
Fuck it
Yeah? My truck's
broken down

Ok, car's over here,
come here, this way

AII I wanted was a beer
But the day I met SeIby I'd spent
most of the afternoon sitting in the rain,
about to kiII myseIf

So you can understand
I was fIexibIe, I mean everybody
gotta have faith in something

For me? For me aII I had Ieft
was Iove

And I was getting pretty sure that,
I wasn't gonna Iove a man again

So I was gonna do it
And the onIy reason I did it
was a five doIIar biII

I knew I probabIy given some
asshoIe a bIowjob for it

So reaIIy tried to piss me off that
if I kiIIed myseIf without spending it

BasicaIIy I sucked
him off for free

So I made a deaI
I said God, I gotta spend
this 5 bucks

But when it's gone
so am I

If you've got something for me
in this life, you better bring it on

And there she was
Just some friends my parents
and I are staying with

You wanna take a shower
or anything?
