
Man, you know what
I'm going to give you the $5...

I got it. I got it
So you came
Yeah I was around,
you know, thought I'll swing by

So where's your friends?
WeII, I...I'm not...
You're mean
Can I ask you a question?
Are you a prostitute?
I don't know
PeopIe Iike pay to be
with you, it's wiId!

Men must just Iine up
to be with a girl Iike you

I guess, I don't know,
not reaIIy, you know!

What do you do to them?
AII kind of things, you know,
whatever they want

How do you know what
they want?

WeII they ain't shy
to teII you

Well shit, men are real
easy to read anyway

Well, how about that guy?
How about him?
Oh, he's gay
No way
Yeah, man, Iook at him,
he tries too hard

Oh man you see that
IittIe fucker over there?

Well he, he's straight up, S&M
That's Trevor,
That's the son of the people I'm staying with

Shit I'm sorry
I don't care about that
