
Ok honey I taIked to your
father and guess what?

-You got a job, little miss

How about that?

That's rite, working
rite with your dad

And some very handsome
young gentIemen, I understand

Ok, if you need something
you Iet me know, ok

Thanks for the ride, man

It's reaI hard to get heIp
around here, you know

I was getting Iost
there for a while ...

So where are you headed?
Just where you can take me,
I'm trying to get to a phone

So my car broke down
See, these here are my kids
They are cute
They are down in Miami,
I'm trying to get down to them

But I'm kind of broke,
rite now

So just trying to make...
some cash somehow, you know

Maybe I can heIp you out
Yeah what you got?
I don't know,
how about say 10 bucks?

I Iike to have $25
straight up

If that do in the Iaundry

Look, man, I'm not a fucking
novice shampoo gaI here, ok

I'm the reaI deaI,
aIrite, so Iet's see it

Oh man, I'm taIking about
the cash, aIrite

Ok sorry
Hey lady love, need a ride?
What timeyou got?
Quater 6
