
Cause this guy who pIayed
drum for certain workmen...

Was coming to taIk to
us about success...

and making your mark
on the worId

I don't have any experience,
per se...

I'm a reaI...I mean
I'm a reaI hard worker

I was real excited, cause he was
the 1st reaI ceIebrity I've seen...

And this was exactIy the
kind of thing I wanted to Iearn...

How to foIIow in the
footsteps of ...

I don't even write it
down, you know

Just stay rite...
just stay rite there

And you shouId know that
I've worked with peopIe aII my Iife

So I'm reaI good with
peopIe and...

I know how to work the roledex
So I Iisten reaI hard to any advice he had
For sure he said something
that stuck rite in my reaI mind

It was aII you need in Iove

And to beIieve in

then there's nothing you can't do
To make sure that i have aII
this straight

BasicaIIy, you've no experience,
no coIIege degree...

No resume, no work history
what-so-ever in fact

And now you wouId
Iike to be...a Iawyer

No, see...I'm sorry,
but when I read the ad...

It said you were Iooking
for a secretary

Ok, weII you need to
Iearn how to type...

You'll need computer skiIIs
Most of our secretaries
have coIIege degree

Infact most of them have
speciaIised in Iaw

I don't mean to sound harsh, but
frankIy this is a IittIe insuIting

AII that Iooks great,
It must be wonderfuI, but...

Can I teII you something?
When the beach party is over, you
don't get to say, you know what

I think now I would Iike to have what everybody
eIse has worked their entire Iife for...

It doesn't work that way
Fuck you, man!
Yeah fuck you!
You don't fucking
know me

Ok, great, that's great, see?
Now I'm so sorry I didn't hire you before.
LesIie couId you pIease escort miss...

I don't even know her name, because of course
she doesn't have a resume...

No need, you fucking asshoIe,
you piece of shit

What you think I'm
fucking retard?
