My Life Without Me

Ann, this is Doctor Stuart
and Doctor Lance.

Hi! Do you know if someone told my mom
about picking up my daughters?

We're only gonna take
a few minutes, okay?

Does your husband live with you?
he.. he builds swimming pools.
He was out all day today.

And you work at the university.
Yeah. I clean the university. Nights.
And you're twenty-three...
I'll be twenty four in December.
I'm an Aquarius.

How about you? What star sign are you?
What the hell is happening to me?

We've done the scan
three times and...

Are you sure you wouldn't prefer
to call your husband?

No. I would prefer not to call him.
We've done the scan three times,
and I've ordered a... a pre-biopsy...

So, what?
You have a tumour.
In both ovaries.
It's reached your stomach and it's
beginning to spread to your liver.

Wow. That's pretty far gone, eh?
Ann, if you were twenty years older,
the whole thing would be spreading
more slowly we could operate on it.

But... your cells are very young.
Too young, in fact
and I'm afraid there's...
there's nothing we can do.

Wow. How long?
Two months, maybe three.
