Mystic River

Your pal Dave strikes me as a guy
permanently back on his heels.

Wait a second, how did we get to
Dave Boyle all of a sudden?

-We just got to him.
-He's a guy who was in the bar.

The last place, Seany,
the last place she was at.

The guy is wrong. You saw his hand.
Yeah, I saw his hand. You seriously
want to take a look at Dave Boyle?

Just a little one.
I'd recommend two sets of visiting hours,
from 3 to 5, and 7 to 9.


-Have you thought about flowers?
-I'll call Knopfler's this afternoon.

And the notice?
Yes, the obituary. We can take care of it
if you give us her basic information.

Or if you prefer donations
in lieu of flowers?

Where's my daughter?
Downstairs, in the basement.
I wanna see her.
I'm gonna find him, Katie.
I'm gonna find him before the police do.
I'm gonna find the man,
and I'm gonna kill him.
