Mystic River

Yeah, but you're someone's bitch,
aren't you, Sean?

The blood on your front seat, Dave.
Answer the sergeant.

We got a chainlink fence
in our back yard.

Me and my kid play Wiffle Ball
every afternoon after school.

He's getting good, so most of the balls
are on the other side of the fence.

So I climb it.
Except I slip...

...slice myself where the links curl in,
right here.

Bled like hell.
Ten minutes later,
I gotta pick up Michael at school.

Probably was still bleeding
when I got in the front seat.

What blood type are you?
Yeah? That's the match we got.
-Well, there you go.
-Not quite.

Blood in the trunk of the car
wasn't B-negative.

I don't know anything
about any blood in the trunk.

No idea how half a pint of blood
got in the trunk?

-This is not the way you wanna go, Dave.

How will that look in court?
You not knowing how someone else's blood
got in the trunk of your car?

Gonna look fine, I suppose.
You filed the report.

What report?
The stolen-car report.
The car wasn't in my possession last night.

So whatever the thieves used it for,
you should find out...

...because it sounds like they
were up to no good.

Things looking any better
on the Sprite, Sean?

Well, you just got too fucking smart.
The car is inadmissible.

Anything there, his lawyers say
was put by thieves.

-I can break him.
-He just kicked our asses!

You still think Dave
wouldn't hurt a fly--

-Is that the point? No.
-What is the point?

We can break this open on the gun.
It's the gun.

Okay. Maybe.
So, what do we do with Dave?
Fuck it. Kick him loose.
Maybe a Celtic cross.
That's always a popular choice.
