Mystic River

And it's really starting to piss me off, Dave,
because I can't cry for her.

My own little daughter,
and I can't even cry for her.

You're crying now.
Yeah, damn.
I just want to hug her one more time.
She was 19 fucking years old.
Do you want me to leave you alone?
No, just stay here for a minute,
if that's cool.

Yeah, sure. Jimmy, it's cool.
When was the last time
you saw Katie Markum?

-You don't think I'd hurt her do you?
-She isn't hurt. She's dead.

-I didn't kill her.
-Again, when's the last time you saw her?

About 8--
Saturday night, about 8:00.

About like 8, Brendan, or at 8?
It was about 8.
We had a couple slices at Hi-Fi,
and she had to go meet Eve and Diane.

Yeah. Why doesn't Jimmy Markum
like you?

I don't know.
But he told Katie he never wanted her
to see me or any other Harris.

What? That thief thinks he's better
than our family?
