Once Upon a Time in Mexico

The bull is wounded.
The bull is tired before the matador...

...ever steps into the ring.
Now, is that victory?

Of course it is.
Wanna know
the secret to winning?

Creative sportsmanship.
In other words...
...one has to rig the game.
Go collect.
El presidente is giving a speech
on the Day of the Dead...

...in the town of Culiacan.
He's going to be isolated...
...in the main edificio
in the center of the plaza.

Very easy access to him if...
...somebody can get you in.
You're the man who can do that.

I am not the prince.
I am the man behind the prince.
-I see.
-He's not the first prince I've served...

...nor the first one that I've betrayed.
-You're a good rat. I like you.
-I try.

The rest upon completion.
-Mucho gusto.
-Right. Right.

Every goddamn time.
