Open Range

Well, you done all you can.
He needs a doctor now.
If Button lives through morning,
you take him in the wagon
and move on.

You just gonna sit out here
waiting with them cows?

That's right.
And I'm gonna kill
every son of a bitch

that comes to take them.
For one man on open ground,
you sure got a lot
of killing in mind.

You know I never
gone against you, Boss.

Always let you do
most of the talking.

But he needs that doctor
back in that town,

and I aim to take him.
If you want to come,
we'll go together.

Otherwise, you do what you
have to do, I'll do the same.

You think they'll let you waltz
in there and waltz out?

I don't figure into it.
Button deserves every chance
we can give him.

All right.
But I aim to kill Baxter
and those that done this.

And if that marshal gets in the
way, I'm gonna kill him, too.

So you best get your mind right
about what's got to be done.

I got no problem
with killing, Boss.

Never have.
