Open Range

How you doing?
We run a freight outfit
when the weather cooperates.

Boss Spearman.
And the marksman here
is Charley Waite.

Is all that true,
what you said in the café?

There's a kid at the doc's house
put on death's doorstep
by Baxter.

Doc's wife's caring for him
until he comes back
after the storm.

Doc's wife?
Miss Barlow.

You mean Sue?
That's right.
Well, she'd make somebody
a fine wife.

But she ain't the doc's.
That's his sister.
His sister?
Ain't his wife.
Good evening, Mack.
Ray, Cory.
This is Ralph Peterson.
He runs the general store.

That's where I was
when the dog got free.

You fellers the free grazers,
I expect.

No offense.
Personally, I don't stand
with others around here

about free grazers.
There was a fight in your store
about a week or so back.

Some of Baxter's men
jumped our friend.

He was a big feller.
I saw the whole thing.

That big feller drubbed the hell
out of them other three.

Broke one's arm.
Be a gunhand named Butler,
would it?

That's what they say.
Felt bad about your friend.
Is he all right?

He's dead.
That's too bad.
Seemed like
a nice young feller.

It's a shame what this town
has come to.

You could do something
about it.

We're freighters.
Ralph here's a shopkeeper.
You're men, ain't you?
I didn't raise my boys
just to see them killed.
