Out of Time

I don't knowwho it is.
The Nextel subscriber
you are trying to reach

is outside the service area.
Please try again later.

No, I don't have it.
Whoever it is works
for the town of Banyan Key.

How do we find out
whose phone this is?

- All right, I'll...
- Just ask.

Is there anybody
even in Banyan Key?

Yeah, I'll talk to you later.
Hey, Alex?
I'm sorry, I was drifting off there.
What'd you say that number was?

555-01 99.
01 99?
You're sure it's not 1 099?
Chae, 01 99.
01 99? That's weird.
That's my cell phone number.

- Yeah.
- Aren't you County?

I work part-time as a paramedic--
football games, school stuff.

And you called him last night?
I don't know.
Did l...?

Oh, Jesus,
I did call him last night.

I called him from the bar.
I wanted to see if he wanted
to have a couple of drinks.

- You're friends with him?
- I wouldn't say that.

He's, like,
my bottom-of-the-list guy

when you've got to have
somebody to drink with.

I would have mentioned it.
I totally forgot.

You should have told me this
at the scene, Chae.

I'm sorry. I don't remember
too much about last night.

I had a fight with Barbara.
I was in no good shape.

Check with the bartender--
I closed the place,

staggered home,
passed out next to my wife.

I didn't move until I got the call
to show up at the scene.

I need a statement.
I'll give you a statement
right now.

What's the matter with you?
You're like a love child
of Barney Fife and Joe Friday.

All right, a statement.
