Owning Mahowny

- What the fuck is this?
- A bank draft.
- This is made out to him.
- Hey, you want it
made out to you?

- No, but, uh...
- What do I do with this?
- You take it to your branch.
- My what?

- It is where I come from.
- That is not normal.

- I don't like my name on it.
- You will when you cash it.

What are tonight's lines?
- No, no, no.
I'm not gonna let you bet.

- What?
- You're not betting.

- I just paid off.
- I know, but I can't
do business like this.

- Take it to your branch.
- Yeah right, fuckin' guy.
- Come on, Dan.
Bank draft...

- Teri, that bridge loan we did
a draft on for Mr. Quinson?

- Uh-huh.
- We're gonna do another 15
for a cash pickup.

- Okay.
- Thanks, Teri.
- You want this draft cashed?
- Yeah, it's already signed.
Mr. Quinson's waiting in my office.

- Okay.
