Owning Mahowny

Perhaps we should find out
what their schedule is,

and advise regional office.
- Uh, you know,
a higher line of credit
would be a lot simpler.
- Okay, good idea.
Keep her sweet, Dan.
- Right.
- You've opened a loan account
for Pembro Trading?

- Finally, yes.
- I thought they'd run into
partnership problems.

- I guess things are rolling.
Uh, the documentation was all in
place; you approved it yourself.

- Okay.
And... Jake Arnold.
- Jake Arnold, same thing.
- How long ago did we
authorize credit?

- Two years.
- And he's never borrowed
against it until now?

- No, but he could have.
- It's strange; you know, I think
he set the whole thing up

just so he could
tell his friends

he had a million-dollar
credit line.

- Maybe business got bad.
Maybe he won't be handing out
jars of peanuts this Christmas.

- He really does that?
- Sure.

- Even his, uh... desk
is peanut-shaped.

- You're kidding?
- No.
- What a guy.
- Yeah, what a nut.
- Good work, Dan.
- Thank you, Bill.
- Dan, there's a problem:
Roger Oskaner.

- What's the problem?
- An interest payment overdue.
- No problem,
he's selling bonds today.

He stopped by to sign the order
and pick up his cash.

- He did? I missed him again?
Jeez. I'm gonna have
to start bagging lunch,

see if I can lay eyes
on this guy.

He's a goddamn phantom.
Oskaner The Phantom.
