Pahat pojat

Stop it. Are y ou crazy?
- Why don't y ou go cry to daddy.

Just go home.
- I'm not going any where.

There's no prob lem. Right, Aulis?
- Yeah. I'm sorry I got upset.

We're are just going to talk.
- You'll fight as soon as I leave.

We're not going to fight.
- You s wear?

I won't s wear, but I promise.
What do y ou tak e me for?
We can talk this out.

Just go home, it's ok ay.
- Ok ay, see y ou tomorro w.

The y say y ou're not allo wed
to hit any one. - That's right.

You realize y ou're going to get
y our ass kick ed real good.

I realize it.
- What the fuck? Help me!

If any one ask s, Eero here ran
into a b ig fucking door.
