Pahat pojat

Oh no, look s lik e I
park ed on the line.

Any one else need
straightening out?

We're not hitting anybody.
We have nothing to do with the
rest o f the world. Dad kne w that.

Yeah, dad kne w so much he's
no w in a mental hospital.

You y earning for a fight?
- He's just angry at the ST guy s.

I'm angry at us. If I was normal,
I'd kick our asses too.

Just calm do wn.
- You calm do wn. I want re venge.

Re venge is stupid. Let's get e ven.
What's the point in re venge if
the y don't kno w who it was?

What's the point if the y did kno w?
You sure it'll pull loose?
- I'm sure.
