Pahat pojat

Hi. You want a soda or something?
- No thank s, nothing for me.

Something happen?
- Yeah, something's happened.

Our post o f fice was robbed.
Half the wall was torn out.

It's under repairs for three
months so the y cut my hours.

Some lazy idiot won't get a job,
and then ruins someone else's job.

I'm sorry.
- It wasn't y our fault.

No w I can't pay my rent.
- If y ou want, I can pay it.

No, thank s.
You're really nice.

You're the first bo y to look me in
the e y es, not my boobs.

I can't start a relationship no w.
I need to get my a f fairs in order.

...and thirty-tw o. Bonus numbers
are s ix, fifteen and tw enty.
