Pas sur la bouche

-Tell me her name.
-Not on your life.

lf she loves me,
l have the right to know her.

l can offer her some form
of compensation.

Don't even think about it.
At poker, when you pass,
does the other player
show you his cards?

Arlette? What do you think?
Charly! l didn't know you
were already here.

lt's exquisite!
-lt suits you.
-Do you think so?

You wear it admirably well.
l'm delighted to have
the authorization of an artist.

-And a demanding artist at that.
-l imagine you are!

After all, he is the head
of a cubisto-cuneiform school.

Make fun of me, l don't mind.
lt's all publicity.
What do l care,
as long as they talk about me?

Dadaism is over and out
Cubism's had its day
Nowadays without a doubt
Coocooism's the way
All these faddish art schools
And their frantic need to be
They're foolish food for fools
Fatuous, freakish flummery
Publicity, see
When they follow a fad
lt's mad

lt makes them glad
Publicity, see
Wield your clout
Pout and spout

Get talked about
Publicity, see
Don't go without
Don't be a lout

Get talked about!
l have to go dress for dinner.
Think about
that poker game of mine.

There's still time
to raise the stakes.

l never play.
-You worry me!

Because children need
to be playful.

lt annoys you
when people call you a boy.

You'll get over it.

Thank you.
So, what was that game
my sister was talking about?

lt's not a game,
it's a match.

-And when's the wedding day?
-What wedding?
