Pas sur la bouche

You don't remember? l thought it
was nicer, more American.

Here, it's another
kettle of fish.

Why are you talking
about fish?

An English saying.
l see. l'll answer
with a few French sayings

to clear everything up.
-Don't wake a sleeping cat.

Because it has claws.
-What's done is done.
-So you think!

Don't disturb
a very happy marriage.

You don't always have
what you dream of in life.

Alas, l know
what l'm talking about.

At times, you need to be content
with what you have.

l've often dreamt
like all the girls

Of cuddling here on my knee
A baby with pretty blonde curls
However that never came to be
And now here l am an old maid
Well, not old,
a slip of the tongue

For l'm not that starchy
and staid

And this heart of mine
is still young

lt's younger than yours is now
But since it's young
with no design

l spoil others' children anyhow
Wishing so that they were mine
When you cannot have
what you love

Treat what you already
have with love

Just try to be content
With the lot you've been sent
