Pieces of April

Hi. Eugene and Evette in 2B...
do you know them?

They're helping me for the time being,
and I was just wondering if...

See, my family's coming,
and my mom, she's...

It's complicated.
Then the oven or the stove...
I don't know what it's called... started...

The truth is,
she's a rotten mother,

so I don't even know why
you'd want to help me anyway.

It's funny. My mother was
a mean woman, too. Nasty.

There wasn't a nice bone
in her body.

She smoked non-stop,
cheated at cards,

and she complained
every day of her life.

- Sorry.
- You know what?

There's nothing I wouldn't do for
a chance to spend more time with her.

So you'll help me then?
Mi casa. Su casa
Yo, Latrell, man, this is Bobby.
I'm at the spot.

Call me back.
I'm at 212-737-3858.
All right.
This is great.
You don't know what this means.

- It's such a big help.
- Good.

- By the way, I'm April in 3C.
- Tish in 4A.

Thank you, Tish in 4A.
Thank you, thank you.

My family thanks you.
