Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

I knew him. Probably one of the few
who knew him as William Turner.

Everyone else just called him

Good man. Good pirate.
I swear, you look just like him.

It's not true. He was a merchant sailor.
A respectable man who obeyed the law.

He was a bloody pirate, a scallywag.
My father was not a pirate!
Put it away, son.
It's not worth you getting beat again.

You ignored the rules of engagement.
In a fair fight, I'd kill you.

That's not much incentive
for me to fight fair, is it?

As long as you're just
hanging there, pay attention.

The only rules that matter are these:
What a man can do
and what a man can't do.

You can accept your father was a
pirate and a good man, or you can't.

Pirate is in your blood, so you'll
have to square with that someday.

Me, for example,
I can let you drown,

but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga
all by me onesies, savvy?

Can you sail under the command
of a pirate?

Or can you not?
It is a sad life
that has never breathed deep

the sweet, proliferous bouquet
that is Tortuga. Savvy?

What do you think?
