Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

You're in one!
What are you looking at?
Back to work!

You heard the captain.
Back to work.

Feast your eyes, Captain. All of them,
faithful hands before the mast.

Every man worth his salt,
and crazy to boot.
So this is your able-bodied crew?
- You, sailor!
- Cotton, sir.

Mr Cotton, do you have the courage
and fortitude to follow orders

and stay true in the face of danger
and almost certain death?

- Mr Cotton. Answer, man!
- He's a mute, sir.

Poor devil had his tongue cut out, so
he trained the parrot to talk for him.

No one's yet figured how.
Mr Cotton's parrot,
same question.

Wind in your sails!
Wind in your sails!

Mostly, we figure that means "yes".
Of course it does. Satisfied?
Well, you've proved they're mad.
What's the benefit for us?
- I suppose you didn't deserve that.
- No, that one I deserved.

- You stole my boat!
- Actually...

Borrowed without permission, but with
every intention of bringing it back.

- But you didn't!
- You'll get another one.

- I will.
- A better one.
