
or how many little girls
he's molested in the park.

You're a good soul
and I love you for it.

Is there any left in the pan?
Maybe I could
scrape out the stuck bits.

We shouldn't keep
our brother waiting...

-Well, did you like it?

-How do you make your living?
-I'm a collector.

-People throw everything away.
-Not mom here...

She doesn't throw away a thing.
You're right.
Sure, they're a bit big, but
if he rolls up the sleeves...

Roll up the sleeves
and they'll fit.

-What're you doing?
-This one... Leave that there.

Like it?
He can't dig
in trashcans wearing Harvard!

-Then he can sell it? -He can't.
-Sure he can. -No, he can't.

-Just leave it there...
-Got a wife?

A special friend? Or an ordinary
one even... Take her a gift...

What are you doing?!
I'm alone. My wife left
and took everything.

-Yeah, that can happen...
-Oh, a coat! It's old,

-but it hangs well and...
-Goddammit, what the hell?

What's gotten into you?
Some charity bug, or what?

He already ate; now give him
an old shirt so he'll beat it.

Oh, no, I've got
to finish this for both of us.

You can't just play with
people like this.
