
He died a while back.
l'm sorry.
You got your hands full.
Well, they got me working 1 0 hours
a day at the hospital. Some days more.

So l'm wondering where he's at
half the time...

...and worrying all the time.
Because l figure they only gonna need
one excuse to put him away.

James is a good boy, coach.
He got himself a good heart.

Most folks just don't take the time
to see it, is all.

James Robert Kennedy.
Thank you, ma'am.
No, he is not getting on that bus.
Harold, he is not a student.
You don't even know how old he is.
Look, he has a handicap
we know nothing about.

What if he has some kind
of a seizure?

He's not the one who's
gonna have the seizure.

This has nothing to do
with any of that.

lf you're saying
l'm overly concerned...

...about my students being with
a severely handicapped black man...

...l assure you that l am.
But my concern is not necessarily
for my students.

l'm not so sure we're trying to help
somebody here...

...or whether he's being used as
nothing more than a glorified mascot.

You know me a hell of a lot
better than that.

Put your game face on.
Wipe your smile off your faces.
Start thinking about football.

-Coach Jones. lt raining hard.
-Radio. Radio.

-Gonna be wet out there.
-lt sure is.

Listen, we're not gonna be able
to take you on the bus today.

Some folks, they don't think
it's a good idea.
