
...the board has received reports of
Mr. Kennedy's inconsistent behavior.

What kind of reports? From who?
Reports of resisting arrest...
...tearing up his home,
barging into the girls' locker room.

Oh, barging?
-Who's been feeding you this crap?
-l'm not here to argue with you.

l'm not arguing. lt's a simple question.
Who's been feeding you this crap?

l ask because those were all instances
in which he wasn't being supervised.

Says who?
Says who?
Bottom line, with Ms. Kennedy gone,
James faces some rough times ahead.

-To keep him in a school setting--
-Let me tell you something.

This school is the reason he's doing
as well as he is.

But to keep him in a school setting--
You take him out of this school,
you may as well take his life.

-l've compiled a list of care agencies.
-Oh, l'll bet you have.

Yes, ma'am, l will take care of it

Yes, l will.
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am.
ls that a fact?
That's some serious money.
Well, all right. Yes, l will.
All right, now, you too.
-Hello, Frank.

-lt's been ages since you were here.
-Yeah, it sure has been.
