
...we're not the ones
who've been teaching Radio.

Radio's the one been teaching us.
The way he treats us all the time...
:53:13 the way we wish we treated
each other even part of the time.

l know something's gotta happen here.
l know some changes gotta be made.

And l know l can't let what happened
last season happen again.

So l've decided to step down
as head football coach.

See what you've done, Frank.
l'd like to keep teaching,
if that's all right.

l'll keep an eye on Radio,
make sure he stays out of trouble.

And l'd like to spend more time...
...with a few other folks
l've neglected over the years...

...while l still have a chance to.
Much as l love this game, it's not
half as important as setting that right.

That was a pretty good cup, Del.
-Thank y'all.
-Good night.

This what you wanted?
ls this worth it?
-That was a crazy idea.
-Weren't expecting that, were you?

l can't believe you're gonna stop
coaching football.

Found it. Under the mattress
with everything else.
