
would be carried out as scheduled
despite the demonstration.

What WorId Bank?
I have an account at Postipankki.

It doesn't exist anymore.
ReaIIy? No one toId me.
Raid, considered dangerous
Take statements from eyewitnesses
but onIy from the sane ones.

Then you show her picture around -
untiI you find someone
who recognises her.

If you have no Iuck here,
try the hoteIs.

After that you try the moteIs.
But first we comb the street.
The buIIet and sheII are missing.
-Turunen from the Vaalimaa customs.

We've been toId to contact
Inspector Jansson if he appears...

WeII, now he has. -Who?
Raid. He tried to cross the border
in a truck with some cowboy.

The TIR-seaIs are faIse.
What shouId we do?

Are they dangerous? -Yes. Arrest
them both and get them to Helsinki.

Someone was whimpering
the L-word Iast night.

Sometimes I think -
that you don't know the difference
between Iust and the L-word.

I know it.
