
An international incident wouldn't
be in anyone's best interests.

We made a terrible mistake.
l apologise.

Lundström's lD and passport.
lnstead of Attac
it would've been wiser -

to infiltrate the Finnish
and Swedish governments.

Vattenfall deal was
small-scale money-laundering.

But the Finnish National Energy
Company deal -

is a large-scale
money-laundering scheme.

BIack money from Moscow,
St. Petersburg, Azerbaidzhan -

CoIombia, Luxembourg.
Twenty biIIion.
They're bIind if they don't know it.
-Not necessariIy.

Sometimes moraIs must be swept
aside for the good of the nation.

Are you saying
they have nothing to gain?

Considering the resuIt, isn't it
irreIevant which one's the cause -

greed or stupidity?
...the parliamentary groups were
surprised the deal was speeded up.

We have twenty four hours.
-Let's taIk to Jansson.

He'II arrest us.
There are bodies in our wake.

Jansson knows the score.
We can make a deaI with him.

Why did you write the Ietter?
-I wanted to see you together.

Why the arson?
We had a video that proved aII
the parties met before bidding.

Where is it?
-In the ruins.
