Schippers van de Kameleon, De

Yes, it must have been someone
who wore shoes.

I'm sorry. Put your coat back on.
- Thank you.

You're wearing shoes.
I am indeed. Do you expect me
to walk the streets on my socks?

That's absurd.
Were they pointed shoes, Zwart?
- Pointed shoes?

The ones the hoodlums were wearing.
- Could be.

Why don't you find that out first.
I was just at the Wijnstra home.
They were robbed as well.
- What?

Paulien's place? But they're poor.
- And why wasn't I told? Doggone it.

Wiedersehen, Kommissar.
So, stamp licker,
you almost went to jail.

Ask her if she needs anything else.
- I will.

Have fun, Esther.
- She will, don'tworry.

Hey, clodhoppers.
What kind of name is that? Kamel-leon.
It's chameleon, you moron.
- Bunch oflandlubbers.

It's like a floating caboose.
That's what it is.
