
Faith and Tarawill be safe.
You have my word.

-And if I say no?
-Then I'll find someone else.

Someone who may
or may not get it done.

Are you willing to risk that?
-Dad, hurry up. Get in. Come on.
-Would you please hurry up?

...aspeechbythe Presldent

I've come to thlsdeclslon with
the support ofleaders worldwlde...

basedon the recommendatlon
ofexperts fromaroundthe globe.

Iassure the resldentsofLA that
fullreparatlons wIllbe made.

andgreatest hope.

-MayGodbe withusall.

-You better go.
-See you.

To repeat:thls lsnot a test. All LA
resldentsare orderedto leave...

Get the first aid kit. And anything
else you think we might need.

Tom and Renee said we can
stay with them in Tucson until...

Agaln:thls lsnot a test.
I know, honey. I'm scared too.
Pack some clothes. Not a lot. Just
enough for a couple of days. Go on.

-Hey, sis. It 's me.
-Ryan, thankGod.

-We're scared out of our minds.
-Now listen, it 's gonna be fine.

-I've made arrangements for you.

A pollce escort wIllplckyou up
andtake youout ofthe city.

-Don't pack. Just go with them.
-But I thought you were coming...

-Ican't. Nowllsten to me, Tara.
-No, Ryan, you listen.

She needs you here.
What am I supposed to tell her?

LAPD. Ms. Beckett. LAPD.
Let 's get moving. Right now.

-They're here.
-Now you go with them.

TelIFaithit'llbe okay.

-Tell her I love her.
-You tell her yourself.
