
We could use Power Gel packs
with a higher VOD rating.

Not if we hit granite. And since
we don't have time to sample...

-He's right. We need those rotors.
-Right. We'll do everything we can.

Thank you.
All right. Get this stuff loaded up,
we're moving out in about, say...

...fifteen minutes.
-Guy creeps me out.

-Makes two of us.
-Clock's ticking, sir.

If we want to reach the site
on schedule, we gotta bolt now.

You heard him. Load up. And keep
it small. 2 trucks. Police back up.

-This ain't gonna be a parade.
-May I say a little something?

Sure, Norris.
Heavenly Father, we ask for your
strength and courage to guide us.

Watch over us so that we may
preserve your glorious creation.

-Amen to that.

Nice touch.
You mean,
not bad for an asshole.

Yeah, something like that.
He doesn't look too good.
he doesn't.
Sweet! It 's about time we brought
a babe on one of these gigs.

-Forget it, Styles. Her IQ is high.
-You know what they say.

Only a fool underestimates
the style of Styles.

What is that?
I never get what that means.

You just worry about getting us
out of here when the time comes.

No sweat, man.
Something tells me
it won't be hard to find a runway.
