Secondhand Lions

I'm doing everything
I can to keep this family together.

How about a little
help here, okay?

Now, look...
they say these two old men

got millions
stashed away in cash.

Nobody knows
where they got it.

Got no kids, no one to leave
all that money to.

You and me, we're as close
as any family they got.

You want them
to like me

so they'll die and leave us
their money?

We could buy a house,
maybe settle down.

Oh, wouldn't that
be nice?

Oh, look! Here it is.
Here it is, honey.
Here it is.

By the way,
I hear these two were in
some state nuthouse for 40 years.

Got all their money
from a big lawsuit or something.

But then there's
lots of stories about them.

Who knows what
to believe?

Just find out where they stashed
all that money, okay?

Maybe we should've
called first.

No. Older people
just love surprises!

Here we are.
Go away, go away!
Hey, go away! Shoo!
Show 'em you're friendly, honey.
Let them smell your hand.

They must be down there
by that lake.

Let's go!
Come on!

There he is!
- Winged him.
- He's running for it.
