Shanghai Knights

Wow. Buckingham Palace.
Look at that, Chon.

That's where the queen lives.
Hey, look at this guy.
He's a royal guard.
He has a very important job.

l used to be just like him.
No, they're nothing like you.
They're a tourist attraction.
You can make faces at them,
insult them...

and they can't move a muscle.
-Here. Watch this.

No, it's okay.
Hey, buddy,
your shoes are untied.

That is the biggest damn beaver
l have ever seen.

Roy, stop it.
The queen!
Look! The queen!
She's mooning us!
He almost went for that.
My friend and l just came over
from America.

You might have heard of it.
We run your jerkwater country.

Come on, you gonna take that
from a colonial?

Roy, stop it.
l bet you are one hell
of a damn poker player.

No hard feelings.
They can't do that!
You're not allowed to do that!
Shouldn't have touched him.
You scram, you little punk.
l've got friends
at Scotland Yard.

l'll give you up
in a heartbeat.

You get your watch back?
Don't worry about my watch.
Go on.

lt's a knockoff.
What are you talking about?
My uncle stole this watch
from President Lincoln.

lt's a priceless
family heirloom.

Not according
to the pawnbroker.

You should not steal.
lf l don't steal,
l don't eat.

Who showed you how to do
all that kicking and punching?

My father.
Have you ever heard of those?
They're parents.

You don't 'cause you're
a little orphan.

Now, go on.
You're cramping our style.

Oh, this country blows.
You need a place to stay?
Come on in
and warm your dogs.

You can
get into a lot of trouble

breaking into
a place like this.
