Shattered Glass

- What are you doing here?
- Working late.

Working on my article,
so l don't get shredded again.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

l always forget to ask you.
How are your studies coming?

Their fine.
l'm-- just buried.

You're buried.

Okay. l should probably let you
get back to it.

- ls there anything you need?
- No. Good night, David.

Good night.
Thanks, Steve.

- l got it.
- Hello?
- Chuck? it's Steve.

Hi, Steve.
Sorry to be calling
so late.

l was just wondering--
did you get a call from
the Jukt guy? George Sims?

- l did, yeah.
- Yeah. l was just sitting here,

and l realized that l'd given him
your home number

without asking you first.
And l wanted to apologize.

- lt's fine.
- Sort of a prick, didn't you think?

l couldn't really tell
because he hung up so fast.

- Are you at home, Steve?
- No. Why?

l left a message
on your machine.

Those Forbes guys
want to talk to us again.

There's a conference call
at 9:00 a.m.

Sounds like a party.

- Okay, night, Chuck.
- See you in the morning.

That's weird.
